A Meraki Life
MERAKI is a Greek word used to describe a way of living:
It is the essence of yourself that you put into your work.
It is leaving a part of yourself behind in everything you create.
It is putting yourself – your soul – into everything you do, whatever it may be.
It is doing things with passion, no matter what you may be doing.
It is putting your soul, love and creativity into everything you do.
Meraki: a single yet meaningful word, which should be reflected on by anyone
desiring to live a more impactful life.Through my own personal reflection and study of this word, I have determined that I
want to live a meraki lifestyle – I want to be a “meraki woman.” Although there is no
such thing as a meraki person, nor is the word meraki generally used to describe a type
of person or lifestyle, I have chosen to use this word to describe a way of living that
is powerful, intentional, and impactful.THINK ABOUT IT.
Shouldn’t we strive to live a meraki lifestyle?
I want to leave a part of myself – my soul, my love, my creativity, and my being –
behind in everything I say and do. I want to be so intentional about every word that
comes out of my mouth and every step I take that who I am as a person is evident to
everyone around me. And, not only that, through this intentionality, I want my maker
to be evident in everything I do.I want to put 100% of myself into everything I say and do, leaving a part of myself
behind in EVERYTHING – everything I say, everything I write, everything I create,
everywhere I go, every day of my life.I want to put 100% of my soul and heart into everything I do, no matter what it is –
no matter how minor or major, no matter how effortless or difficult, no matter how
simple or complex, no matter how crazy or serious. No matter where I am, who I
am with, or what I am doing, I want to do everything with PASSION.
I want to be a “MERAKI WOMAN,” leaving a part of myself behind in everything I say and do.
This blog post was written 3 years ago in Nicaragua as I sat surrounded by volcanos,
taking in the beauty of one of my favorite places on earth. It was here that I came across
the word ‘Meraki’ and decided that I wanted to live a ‘meraki lifestyle.’This decision made
such an impact on my work as I have truly strived to put all of myself into each and every
project. This passion and excitement to leave a piece of myself behind in everything I create
became the very essence of who I am as an artist. Finally, after several years of planning,
sketchbooks full of ideas, and a name that so perfectly fits who I am as a graphic designer,
‘Meraki Design’ was born.